Great experience with URACult, hope they enjoyed our concert as we did the show and all the rest in Köln
Me nje audience dhe ambient te mrekullueshem, ky ishte nje nga koncertet me te bukura me Rona Nishliu Quartet. Shume falenderime dhe mirenjohje per organizimin URACult
The experience with URACult was a unique one that combines professionalism, hospitality,
warmheartedness and respect in a perfect balance, while opening new doors for our future
performances by organizing this first concert in one of the finest Jazz Venues like Altes
Pfandhaus in Cologne.
It was an incredible experience to perform for URACult in Koln, what a night!
We had the opportunity to meet a lot of people interested in our music, project and arbëreshë history, thanks to an accurate organization of the concert.
We hope to repeat very soon this experience!
Një nga urat më të kalueshme
Kultur beginnt im Herzen jedes einzelnen, schrieb mal Nestroy, der österreichische Autor – URACult-Organisation macht genau das, mit gut gedachten Veranstaltungen spricht sie den Herzen der Albanern und Deutschen an. Also weiter so!
URACult, a home away from home!
UraCult ist mehr als nur ein Kulturverein, UraCult ist eine Kulturfamilie mit Herz und Verstand die uns allen verbindet. Jeder Mitglieder gibt sein Bestes, sie alle sind stets bemüht aus kleine Mitteln Großes anzubieten! Wie sagt man so schön: die einzige Mittel, die Welt ein Stück zu verbessern, ist die Kultur und das tut UraCult permanent! DANKE mein Verein!
URACult is an organisation that astonishes with professional approach and in the same time with people, who work for it with so much passion and commitment. Thank to URACult and the heart of organization, Mr. Ali Salihu, our experience in Köln was unforgettable!
UraCult macht uns alle stolz! Freu mich auf das nächste Event! Ihr seid die Besten 🙂
URACult bringt die Menschen zusammen mit wunderschöner Musik und tolle kulturelle Events.
Organizata URACult e.V. është shembull i përkushtimit dhe punës së palodhshme, i një grupi njerëzish super kreativ dhe artëdashës, të cilët do të duhej të mirreshin si model për komunitetin shqiptarë jashtë vendit. Pasioni dhe profesionalizmi i ekipit janë veçse vlerë e shtuar. GERMIN vleresonë lartë bashkëpunimin me URACult e.V, që kanë arritur të promovojnë aq bukur kulturën dhe vlerat shqiptare në Gjermani dhe jashtë saj.
Danke an URACult für die Einladung, die tolle Organisation, sowie den netten und warmen Empfang. Es war wieder eine sehr schöne Erfahrung im Pfandhaus Köln vor so einem warmherzigen Publikum zu spielen. Gerne immer wieder.
URACult shoqate e krijuar nga njerez plot pasion e perkushtim, te cilet vazhdojne me ritem intensiv te jetsojne programin e tyre kulturor, me c’rast kontribojne ne shkembimin e kulturave, promovimin e traditave te ndryshme dhe krijimin e urave. Pune te mbare dhe suksese perhere.
A great organisation run by great people! Keep up the excellent work!
Thank you URACult for bringing art closer to people and for building bridges between cultures! It was a great pleasure to collaborate together for an unforgettable concert in AltesPfandhaus in Köln.
Të performuarit në Altes Pfanfhaus qe një gjë që s’do të më shqitet nga mendja për një kohë të gjatë. Një hapësirë përplot me shpirtra të bukur, të shkuara si rruaza vezulluese në perin e kulturës së tyre të përbashkët — dhe e gjithë kjo e mundësuar nga një ekip mëngëpërveshur që vërtet çmon artin dhe punën që bëjnë artistët. Ju lumtë!
URACult schafft es jedes Mal, dass ich mich in Deutschland meiner zweiten Heimat, Kosova, näher fühlen kann. Noch schöner war es, als ich dann sogar als Autorin auf einer ihrer Veranstaltungen lesen durfte. Ich habe mich respektiert und wertgeschätzt gefühlt und freue mich auf alles weitere, was in Zukunft ansteht!
Dear URACult, we breathed with your audience from the first note to the last, creating a magical evening of sharing.
We are thankful to all the members of your organization for hosting our concert in Köln. It was a musical evening that we will never forget.
The culture bridge takes you to a warm, welcoming community of great people where one feels home, loved, and appreciated for their art. URACult is the nest of ART!
URACult për mua është shoqata kulturore ma kredibile dhe ma unike që sot ka diaspora shqiptare, jo vetëm në Gjermani. Të organizuar. Me vizion. Gjithpërfshirës. Me shije
Der UraCult Verein bietet hochkarätige Kulturprogramme und Konzerte aus Kosovo und Albanian. Ich würde jeden empfehlen und UraCult anzuschließen.
Mbrëmje magjike në Köln!
Beautiful place, beautiful people and lots of souls energy! Thank’s URACult for your hospitality and professionalism.
Gute Musik. Nettes und gastfreundliches Team. Super Atmosphäre. Top!
Ein Verein , der seinem Namen eine Ehre macht. Hier wird Kultur gelebt ! 🙂
URACult me shpiert dhe zemër në kontribut të artit dhe kulturës
Ka qene kenaqesi te promovojme muziken Shqiptare permes URACult e cila shoqate ishte shume profesionale dhe mbi te gjitha me njerez shume pasionant e te sakt , pa harruar se kishin dhe nje audience te shkelqyer . Ju falemnderoj perzemersisht URACult per kontributin ne promovim te artit Shqiptare.
The experience at URACult is unforgettable, thank you for the welcome, love and for always being a very strong bridge for Albanian culture.
Love you!
It was an unforgettable night! Thank you Koln people for the hospitality & URACult for organizing such a great night, in that great venue!
URACult hält was es verspricht. Es baut Brücken zu tollen kulturellen Welten und ist sehr wichtig für den albanisch-deutschen Dialog, jenseits des Mainstream.
URACult është një shoqatë e udhëhequr nga njerëz plot pasion e integritet profesional për të zhvilluar e promovuar artin e kulturën shqiptare në Evropë. Ne i jemi mirënjohës kontributit të tyre dhënë shoqatës sonë gjatë dy viteve të bashkëpunimit. Andaj, me shumë kënaqësi ju sugjerojmë të mbështesni URAcult, sepse në atë formë do bëheni pjesë e një historie të re e përparimtare të mërgatës shqiptare në botë.
I was lucky to collaborate with URACult from their very first event. The association has grown a lot since then, and I wish them to continue proposing many diverse and interesting activities and to have a lot of success!
Great organisation by URACult. Everything was correct. We’ve been well-greeted. A warm
hospitality. It was my first time in Cologne, even in Germany so I had such a good impression
for the city. Had time to hang around and see the beautiful Cologne.The concert was so
good, and professionally organised. So thankful to URACult to make this happen also to
make me become aware of the good community of my people in Germamy. Big thanks to
Mr. Salihu for his effort and good energy that he had from the beginning till the last day.
Keep the great job and the good vibe. All the best!
Ich möchte mich über unser gemeinsame tolle Zusammenarbeit, ganz herzlich bei URACult für Verwirklichung dieser Idee bedanken. Umso mehr freue ich mich und bin dankbar, über die positive Resonanz auf unser Liederabend „Frauengestalten “ die Euch, eure Gäste und Besucher erteilt haben.
Das ist die größte und wunderbarste Belohnung was man als Künstler bekommen kann.
Pleasure to collaborate with super musician friends like Visar Kuci and Enver Muhamedi, a
super project recorded a few months before the pandemic with original compositions by Visar
Kuci as Visar Kuci trio.
Amazing news that we will play in Germany (Cologne) as well as in Austria (Wien) with two
unforgettable concerts, from the organization to the phenomenal audience that had come
from other cities for us, everything perfect.
Very happy and thankful for the hospitality and organization.
Ein Verein mit leidenschaftlicher Hingabe für die Kultur: tolle Kunstausstellungen, erstklassige Konzerte und
Theaterstücke. Verdient jeden Respekt!!!